“The Way Out Is In”

Thich Nhat Hanh

A personalised yoga practice that nourishes and activates your innate joy, allowing to dance to the rhythm of life

Available in English and German

One on One

For Companies

For Groups

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Yoga Styles

Yoga practice is suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

Its positive effects on cognition, emotions, brain function, immune system as well as mental health are scientifically proven.

Current & Upcoming:

Saturday 18 May 10-16h: ONE DAY YOGA RETREAT in Kreuzberg Berlin. Including Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, snacks & vegan lunch. Open to all levels.
Please contact me for more details. Registrations until 10 May; first come first serve basis. €50-80, pay as you can.

Thursdays 8.30-9.30h CET:
Open to all levels.
(Please contact me for details)

Tuesdays 19.15-20.45h CET, in person in 12047 Berlin: ASHTANGA YOGA (primary series). Open to all levels. (Please contact me for details.)

Coming soon:
ECOYOGA @ Atelier Gardens
Oberlandstraße 26-35, 12099 Berlin. Open to all levels.

JOY is the vitality of the body and mind, the highest expression of lifeforce and agency. YOGA is a thousands of years old Ayurvedic healing system and philosophy.