The Yoga Styles
that I practice:


Ashtanga Yoga is an Indian Hatha Yoga system in the tradition of T. Krishnamacharya, in which we seek to synchronise breath and movement in a dynamic flow that through movement brings your mind to a calm rest. The traditional Mysore Style of teaching allows a bespoke practice within a group setting.

The sequence of a set series is carried out individually and in the respective breathing rhythm of  each practitioner so that a self-determined and individually adapted practice is learned.

Through my consensual, sensitive, and healing adjustments the student’s unique needs and capabilities are met in a guided progress.

Open to all levels, no prior experience needed.

Please contact me to find out about current courses.


A quiet, contemplative balancing, and relaxing practice for body and mind. In contrast to more dynamic yoga styles, Yin Yoga focuses on relaxing into and resting in the asanas (postures) longer.

This works on the deep connective tissue levels of the body, ligaments, joints, bones, facias, and the meridians, and allows the breath to flow freely. 

Open to all levels, no prior experience needed.

Please contact me to discuss an appropriate offer (in person or online) that suits your needs.


ha = sun (force), tha = moon (quietness) 

Harmonising the two basic energies in our system. Balancing and restorative asanas (postures) that mobilise and strengthen the joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, organs, and the mind, increasing overall flexibility, and working to release tension and preventing blockages.

Hatha yoga strengthens, invigorates, and balances the natural functions of the body and mind. The class brings together slow flow, breathing, and meditation. It is energising as well as relaxing. Suitable for all experience levels and no previous background is necessary.

Open to all levels, no prior experience needed.

Please contact me to find out about current courses.


The more you think that everything is separate, the less you understand that everything is one.

Petri Raisanen

Ecology is the entwined relation of all living organisms to one another and their physical surroundings – on an environmental, social, and mental dimension. 

Yoga is not only a physical exercise. It helps us to connect more deeply with ourselves, but also with others, and with the world around us.

Ecoyoga is a special Yoga Practice developed by me that activates these interrelations between the inside and outside worlds. It is an invigorating, energising, yet balancing and relaxing practice that is combined with guided mental and collective exercises.

Through Ecoyoga we train our sensibilities for our human ecological entanglements with the living world around us. Amplifying the transformative power of yoga to foster connection and unity on multiple levels in and beyond the individual self, towards the ecologies around us, and towards healing the world beyond the yoga mat.

Open to all levels, no prior experience needed.

Please contact me to discuss an appropriate offer that suits your needs.